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Writer's pictureJanice Cox

Vision Boards, 2022 Trends and Epsom Salts

Happy New Year -- I hope you are happy, healthy and looking forward to the year ahead. I think of the new year as a huge reset and take a few weeks at the start to think about the year ahead and I don't really set specific goals but I do think about how I want to live and also what I want to :"let go" of. There are lots of ways you can do this. I usually make a vision board because I love crafting and also it helps me to do something hands on. Basically I flip through a bunch of old magazines, catalogs, saved images etc... and collect ones that really "speak to me" at the end of the process it is really interesting what is revealed and it is fun to see at the end of the year how these images took shape. Here are my tips:

Vision Board How To :

  1. Collect a bunch of images - don't really think to much about this just tear or cut out photos and sayings that appeal to you.

  2. Get a big piece of poster board, or recycled cardboard and start pasting all of your images onto them. I sometimes group things together other times I just put it all on the board. Don't worry if when you are putting your board together you don't use everything. Remember "Don't overthink!"

  3. Don't edit just keep clipping and pasting - these may take a few days. This year for some reason it took me almost a week to finish.

  4. When you are done take a step back and look at your creation and how does it make you feel. Now this is up totally up to you as your board but I then write on the back of mine specific goals for the year. Sometimes I forget I do this until I take down the vision board at the end of the year and it is fun to see where my mind was at.

  5. Now hang your board where you will see it daily -- this is important as focusing on the board and having positive intentions really does make things happen! I hang mine in my office but some people put their board in closets, bathrooms, or bedrooms. Whatever works for you!

2022 Beauty and Garden Trends

Along with the Pantone color of the year (veri peri - a pretty periwinkle color) and flowers and herbs of the year - Tulips, Lilacs, and violets - I also like to see what the beauty and garden trends are for the year ahead -- Here are a few I am tracking this year:

Natural Beauty Trends 2022:

Self Care

Dry Beauty Product "Just add water"

Facial massage

Lip care and treatments

Magnesium in products


Less ingredients in products

Color Therapy

Garden Trends for 2022:

Pollinator Friendly plants

Less lawn space more garden space

Plant and seed swaps

growing Fruit

Cut Flower Gardens

Since this year using Magnesium is a big trend I thought I would revisit one of my favorite at home ingredients and that is Epsom salts.

What do I love about Epsom salt? I feel they are a great way to relax and detox my body. I also don’t have any scientific proof but I have heard that using bath salts keeps your water temperature warmer longer which is ideal for a long soak. I also like the fact that they don’t leave a residue on my tub so makes it easier to clean if I am using salts with bits of herbs or flower petals I usually put them inside a cotton wash cloth or piece of muslin fabric and float it in my tub sort of like a huge tea bag – this way the salts dissolve and all the herbs and flower infuse in the water but there is not messy clean up after a relaxing soak.

Here are a few at home recipes for you:

Super Muscle Soothing Salts

This is a good bath after a day of strenuous physical activity. You can feel your muscles relaxing while you bathe. It can be a bit drying to your skin so remember to use a natural oil or body lotion after bathing.

1 cup Epsom salt

1 cup sea salt

1 cup baking soda

Mix together all ingredients and pour into a clean container. To use: Start filling your bath and pour the salts under the running water. Allow the salts to dissolve. Step into the bath and relax for 15 to 20 minutes.

Yield: 24 ounces

Detox Bath

This is a good bath for the New Year. I would suggest doing it in the evening as it can be tiring and you will want to sleep afterwards and let your body rest and reset.

2 cups Epsom salts

1 cup baking soda

2 tablespoons ground ginger

Mix together all ingredients and pour into a very warm bath. Soak for 20 minutes. After bathing drink a few glasses of water and wrap yourself in a warm blanket and lie down.

Yield: 24 ounces

Other ways I like to use Epsom Salts:

Colored bath salts : I mix Epsom salt with natural food colors and place in pretty jars you can also layer the colors for a striped effect.

Herbal salts: I love to add dried herbs to my bath salts and so simple. This summer I experimented with hops as they are a powerful sleep aide and even they do have a sharper scent so you need to use lavender or mint to balance but they make a nice herbal bath salt.

Jet Lag: I take two little bottles of essential oil with me when I travel one of lavender and one of peppermint. I add a few drops to an Epsom salt bath depending on what I need to pep up – peppermint or go to sleep – lavender. It actually really works!

Pedicure soak: I use Epsom salts a few scoops and white vinegar as a foot soak before an at home pedicure. It really works to soften rough skin and gets your feet super clean and smooth.

Salt rub – I think Epsom salt is too harsh for most skin types to use on their face – mainly because of the size of the salt and people seem to really scrub too harshly which can cause damage. It does make a good exfoliating skin scrub when mixed with a natural oil such as almond or coconut an a great way to deep cleanse your skin so that it looks healthier. The three things you want to do for your skin is to keep it clean, full of moisture and protected from the sun.

Happy New Year - I think I have my travel schedule worked out so will update on the website. Please feel free to email me if you want to connect this year and hopefully we can make that happen. I wish you all the best this year has to offer -- keep the beautiful positive vibes flowing and remember "Self Care" is trending so take super good care of yourself this year!

xoxo Janice


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